Welcome to SlamJamz Central
Welcome to the wonderfully gonzo world of pro wrestling that IS SlamJamz Central.
We're going to become a lot more than what we've got now. We'll be posting our weekly column here, 1 day after it appears on PWInsider.Com, and we'll also be doing some different things now and again. I'm also going to have a variety of people come in and drop in a line or two, friends and family who know what wrestling is like.
Think of SlamJamz Central as my home between columns, and where i'll drop oddball thoughts about the world of Pro Wrestling on a (hopefully) daily basis. I'll also be shilling my other sites, RadioTC Productions and The Moonsault Chef, in the hopes that you'll visit them as well and think enough of them to visit them often and turn some friends on to them as well.
My one thought today is of anger....the ONE episode of TNA Impact that I REALLY wanted to see, the first one in months...and I missed it because the power surged and screwed up the VCR, causing it to miss Spanky's TNA Debut. That totally, positively SUCKS! If anyone has a copy of this week's Impact they wouldn't mind parting with, give me a shout at slamjamzpwi@yahoo.com, i'll pay you back with a couple of blank tapes (i'd offer more, but i'm not up for copying at the moment)...
I've made a promise to myself to add at least one random thought about Wrestling to this page every day, and to get myself motivated to do my weekly column on an actual weekly basis again starting with this weekend. So hopefully, if people give me feedback, you may find me writing even more....
I recently came across a post on some board somewhere that asked "Whatever happened to TC Kirkham, the Waltman mark who published "The Kid Connection" every week?" Well, HERE I AM! And Yes, i'm STILL a Waltman mark, though it's now tempered with devotion to the talents of Spanky, Red, Moore, and Sabin...and more than a few others.
So stick with me, and let's make this gonzo journey one we make TOGETHER! OK? Thanks!