WWE MASSACRE: Spike Dudley Speaks
Spike Dudley has released a statement about his WWE release, and boy does he let them have it...
First, yes I'm gone from the WWE. Does it sting? Hell, yeah. Especially since I've always been one of their "model" employees. It makes sense that I was released, I don't bitch, moan, groan or suck. I just didn't fit in with what the WWE puts on tv. No, I'm only kidding(but not really). It was my turn and that's the nature of the beast. The WWE is a sinking ship. Cursed by owning 100% of the industry, I can see how they couldn't afford my outrageous salary in these times of number crunching. Hey, they gave me a great opportunity and maybe I didn't make the most of it. That's life. At first I was pissed, but I woke up this morning feeling, I don't know, alive.
Read the entire statement by going to Spike's website, which has already been reactivated and is ready for your visits! The address is www.spikedudley.net
Stay Tuned to SlamJamz Central for complete coverage of the WWE Talent Massacre.
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