SlamJamz Central: WWE MASSACRE: WWE callously asked released stars for comments for the WWE Website

Thursday, July 07, 2005

WWE MASSACRE: WWE callously asked released stars for comments for the WWE Website

In what has to be one of the worst cases of callous cruelty i've ever seen, WWE has asked the talent it has just released to give them statements on how they feel about being released for posting on the WWE Website.

Never in my life have I EVER seen such out-and-out arrogance from an organization. Here are 16 entertainment personalities who have just found out that they're being fired as part of "cost-cutting measures" for whatever real reason. Then, less than 24 hours later, the organization donig the firing calls the same personalities up and says "Gee, how do you feel now that we've fired you? We need a comment for our website, so the fans will know your feelings."

Have you EVER seen such arrogance? Such out and out cruelty? WWE should be ASHAMED of itself for pulling such a crass, insanely hurtful stunt.

One good thing...doing some checking around, a couple of my sources are telling me that when he was reached for comments on his own release, Billy Kidman had the kahones to tell WWE something along the lines of "go f**k yourself"....which was then translated on the WWE Website as "Kidman declined our request for a comment". If it's true, kudos to Kidman to express the true feelings of most of the massacred talent. YOU GO BOY!

Don't forget, SlamJamz Central will be doing an indepth analysis of the releases and what the future could hold for them, as well as TNA's possible gains and why it could propel TNA into a position they very much want to be in, this weekend. I am writing a two-part article that should be appearing in my usual weekly column for PWInsider, as well as a few extra things that will appear EXCLUSIVELY here on SlamJamz, so you will want to keep an eye out this weekend. Because of the length of these articles and the time it is taking to get them ready for publication, SlamJamz' comical Friday feature, Separated At Birth, will be pre-empted this week, and should return next Friday, barring any further abomnable acts by the WWE.

Without a doubt, this has been one of the most painful weeks for wrestling fans i've ever seen, and it won't soon be forgotten by the fans of those wrestlers who were a part of the massacre. SlamJamz will continue to cover any story stemming from the massive bloodletting at the WWE, so keep checking in right here several times a day for the latest news.


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